
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on September 9, 2009 6:57 AM. The previous post in this blog was He's good enough, he's smart enough.... The next post in this blog is Portland auditor: Nobody's watching for fraud at City Hall. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Fight! Fight!

"He yelled at me!"

"No, I didn't!"

"Yes, you did."

"Did not."

"Did too."


"You scared me! I'm telling Kate Brown."

"You think she cares? Go ahead, liar."

"No, you're the liar."

"Look who's talking."

"Takes one to know one."

"You don't even live here -- go back where you belong, weirdo."

Such is the nature of political discourse in Portland these days, as the city's creepy mayor, Sam Adams, confronts the oddball crew of volunteers who are out gathering signatures trying to recall him from office. With more than three years left in the city's four-year collective nervous breakdown currently in progress, it's par for the course.

It wouldn't be surprising if the mayor actually did say some intemperate things to one of the petitioners. His comedy sex tape co-star, Fireman Randy, recently cut loose with some nasty words defending the mayor to one heckler outside City Hall, and the Fireman later seemed proud about it. The fact that people are seriously questioning the city's direction under this pair seems to be getting under their respective skins. Can they properly administer their bureaus and make sound decisions about the city's future when they are regularly distracted by shouting matches on the sidewalks? A good question.

Speaking of questions, we have never found out who conducted the shady telephone "poll" on behalf of Adams back in early July. These unsolicited phone calls seemed designed as much to spread positive messages about Adams (and negative messages about the recall effort) as they were to gather opinions about him. A hired defender of All Things Blue assured us at that time that the campaign finance reports on the poll would "presumably" reveal who conducted it, and who paid for it. But funny thing -- here we are two months later, and no reports of any kind appear to have been filed about it on Orestar. At least, none that I could find. Maybe such a filing isn't even required, allowing the dark forces of City Hall to operate in the shadows. That's certainly the kind of practice we've come to expect from these folks.

I remember the last mayoral election -- the one Adams stole by lying -- when he and his supporters absolutely crucified his opponent, Sho Dozono, for allowing a poll to be taken on Dozono's behalf without disclosing it. And now here the mayoral camp or its friends seem to have done essentially the same thing during the recall season. It's profoundly wrong, but the people of Portland (particularly the ones with enough money that they could have canned the creepy one) appear to be satisfied with this kind of government. And so we shall get what we deserve. Go by streetcar!

Comments (8)

Considering how this sham of a "recall" is being run..... this is no suprise....sigh....

Yes it is too bad, there won't be a recall election. The signature collection drive is floundering badly. A friend of mine, who owns a small mom and pop convenience store wanted to collect signatures of the patrons. He called the recall headquarters 4 times and asked for someone to stop by and set it up. He also called the ever present Jasun and left messages on two separate occasions. To date my friend is still waiting, some 45 days later, for a response.

Oh well maybe in another 3 and 1/2 years we can get rid of this creep.

what did you DO phil - you personally? or you Fonzi?
is whining all you got ?

I am one of those gathering signatures who happens to have worked for the City for more than twenty-five years and am proud of that fact. The huge number of City workers expressing their support reinforces my feeling that I am doing the right thing. From your blogs and articles that are critical of Mayor Creepy, I can tell that we have similar opinions of Sam. Do I merit the title "oddball" simply because I have chosen act on my desire for change. I could just stand back and complain or I can do something about it.

Mr. Wurster has screwed the pooch from the beginning on this recall.... He should have listened to the many people who wanted to help, but ignored them... It was,and still is his "my way or the highway attitude" thats too bad, because this recall could have succeeded.....

"this recall could have succeeded....."

You mean if someone had actualy done something besides complain? Maybe he's not the best run operation, but why don't you come up with an alternative if you have so many good ideas? At minimum, just sign the petition and get others to sign?

I mean, dear god, Sam's gonna hire every voter to work on his staff before next election at this rate.

Oh, c'mon, Jack. Whatever else Adams may be guilty of, he didn't steal the election. You know as well as I do that this town hasn't seen a competitive mayoral race since 1992. Tragically, Adams lied about something he had no need to lie about.

No, if during the campaign the public had learned the truth about his grooming and then bedding a teenage boy, and if another gay guy was in the running for mayor, Creepy wouldn't have gotten elected.

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