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Forget PC, may not be good to eat because they are big bioaccumulators, a special concern downstream of Hanford or in a major agricultural valley. Plus, they aren't so plentiful since Euro-Americans burst on the scene. As for Anthony's question, sturgeon can be smoked and there's also caviar.
Btw, swordfish, marlin, and other billfish should never be bought, caught or eaten because they are stuggling to survive from overfishing, along with many others, esp. sharks -- plus they have high levels of toxics, including mercury. Tuna & mackerel, should be eaten only occasionally, too. Raw or cooked.
I lived for a short time in northeast Wisconsin, and I made friends with some local sturgeon fishermen in the area. The local white fishermen thought they were insane for wanting to eat a "junk fish", but these guys also blathered on about eating catfish, which is as close to heaven as you're going to get if it's properly prepared.
Anyway, not only was I impressed with the guys out fishing for them, but with the technique. Back at the time, the only legally allowable way was to wait until the local lakes and rivers were frozen solid, and then chainsaw long trenches into the ice. Sturgeon have a fascination with sticking their heads up above water to look around (the first one I ever saw was so big that I thought I was looking at a lake monster at first, because it poked up nearly two feet out of the water), and they can't do that with two feet of ice in the way. When they rise to take advantage of a new viewing hole, the fisherman then clocks them in the gills with a trident. Yes, an actual trident, although a standard pitchfork will work in a pinch.
Personally, I figure that this is a very honorable way of fishing, seeing as how if you slip and fall in, you have probably about a minute in the water and maybe ten minutes in minus-forty weather before you die of hypothermia. You got a good steak out of it, and that sturgeon fisherman was probably having the time of his life.
So ugly, yet so delicious. I've always had a hard time killing fish, even ugly ones, When I was a kid, we used to go to an organized camp for alums of my dad's college. I was one of the first kids to catch a fish, but didn't have the stomach to reel it in. I get braver later, but then regressed. I think one pc rule is that if you can't kill it, don't eat it, a rule I don't follow.
Not sure what PC means in this context, but if you're concerned about the health impacts of eating sturgeon—on your family and the fisheries—the Monterey Bay Aquarium says "wild-caught sturgeon products (fillets and caviar) are not sustainable choices with the exception of white sturgeon caught in the lower Columbia River which is a 'Good Alternative.'" MBQ notes, additionally, that the "Environmental Defense Fund has issued a health advisory for all Atlantic and imported wild-caught sturgeon due to high levels of PCBs and mercury."
Comments (9)
never been a fan of cooked fish... I wonder if sturgeon can be eaten raw?
Posted by Anthony | August 8, 2009 11:46 PM
Forget PC, may not be good to eat because they are big bioaccumulators, a special concern downstream of Hanford or in a major agricultural valley. Plus, they aren't so plentiful since Euro-Americans burst on the scene. As for Anthony's question, sturgeon can be smoked and there's also caviar.
Btw, swordfish, marlin, and other billfish should never be bought, caught or eaten because they are stuggling to survive from overfishing, along with many others, esp. sharks -- plus they have high levels of toxics, including mercury. Tuna & mackerel, should be eaten only occasionally, too. Raw or cooked.
Salmon are suffering from both problems now, too.
Eat more nuts.
Posted by Mojo | August 9, 2009 9:06 AM
I lived for a short time in northeast Wisconsin, and I made friends with some local sturgeon fishermen in the area. The local white fishermen thought they were insane for wanting to eat a "junk fish", but these guys also blathered on about eating catfish, which is as close to heaven as you're going to get if it's properly prepared.
Anyway, not only was I impressed with the guys out fishing for them, but with the technique. Back at the time, the only legally allowable way was to wait until the local lakes and rivers were frozen solid, and then chainsaw long trenches into the ice. Sturgeon have a fascination with sticking their heads up above water to look around (the first one I ever saw was so big that I thought I was looking at a lake monster at first, because it poked up nearly two feet out of the water), and they can't do that with two feet of ice in the way. When they rise to take advantage of a new viewing hole, the fisherman then clocks them in the gills with a trident. Yes, an actual trident, although a standard pitchfork will work in a pinch.
Personally, I figure that this is a very honorable way of fishing, seeing as how if you slip and fall in, you have probably about a minute in the water and maybe ten minutes in minus-forty weather before you die of hypothermia. You got a good steak out of it, and that sturgeon fisherman was probably having the time of his life.
Posted by Texas Triffid Ranch | August 9, 2009 9:20 AM
So ugly, yet so delicious. I've always had a hard time killing fish, even ugly ones, When I was a kid, we used to go to an organized camp for alums of my dad's college. I was one of the first kids to catch a fish, but didn't have the stomach to reel it in. I get braver later, but then regressed. I think one pc rule is that if you can't kill it, don't eat it, a rule I don't follow.
Posted by Cynthia | August 9, 2009 9:30 AM
What do you care if it's PC or not. If it tastes go, eat it.
Posted by Richard/s | August 9, 2009 9:39 AM
Every time I've cooked it, sturgeon tasted kind of rubbery and bland. Almost like a calamari steak. Think I used to much heat or cooked it too long.
Posted by Mister Tee | August 9, 2009 12:41 PM
Think about the fact that you just asked the public if it's "okay" for you to eat dinner.
Good lord, man...
Posted by Dan Barton | August 9, 2009 2:47 PM
Not sure what PC means in this context, but if you're concerned about the health impacts of eating sturgeon—on your family and the fisheries—the Monterey Bay Aquarium says "wild-caught sturgeon products (fillets and caviar) are not sustainable choices with the exception of white sturgeon caught in the lower Columbia River which is a 'Good Alternative.'" MBQ notes, additionally, that the "Environmental Defense Fund has issued a health advisory for all Atlantic and imported wild-caught sturgeon due to high levels of PCBs and mercury."
Posted by Pete | August 9, 2009 3:42 PM
You don't need no stinkin' fish. Soybeans for all! Go vegan.
Posted by Molly | August 9, 2009 5:55 PM