
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on August 17, 2009 8:56 AM. The previous post in this blog was Guess it *wasn't* a crime. The next post in this blog is Oregon to spend "leftover" $35 million on Amtrak trains. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Monday, August 17, 2009

More legislators get real paychecks

Following in State Sen. Vicki Walker's footsteps, State Rep. Larry Galizio and State Sen. Margaret Carter have landed nice jobs on the paying side of state government. We can't find Galizio's new salary as a "strategic planner" for the university system anywhere yet. But Carter will be pulling down $121,872 a year (plus benefits, presumably) to start in the Human Services department. Nice work.

Comments (10)

Interesting that the Deputy Director's job has not previously existed. Its a new creation, made for carter. And is funded through other savings in the Department, according to the O.

What did Carter get her payoff for?

Boy, I thought payback was supposed to be worse.

if only she was as "concerned about children and the disadvantaged" when her Ways and Means committee recently voted to close the Oregon Blind School knowing those students will never get equal access to the education and care they had in Salem.

Now DOE and the legislature are tied up in litigation over the deed and title as well as their representation of providing equal care away from the school.

Knowing this was going to happen, they voted to close anyway, with the speaker recusing himself on the floor when the vote was called.

That is a responsible use of tax dollars.
Greed once again trumps reason or even a reasonable choice in politics. I'm sure they'll be happy to have her on their side.
Wonder if this was the quid pro quo?

Is it in the best interests of the clients to hire a 73 year old person?

Does having this job for a few months significantly boost her PERS payout?

"Does having this job for a few months significantly boost her PERS payout?"

Depends on what you consider "significant". PERS pensions are either an annuity purchased by her total account balance or a percentage of the average of her final three years salary whichever is higher. The $120k won't affect her final balance much. And since she is 73 I am betting the annuity gives her the higher amount anyway.

Exactly the problem with government and their out of control spending! Who the hell is worth over $10K per month??? There's already outrage over CEO compensation, but we really need to reign in state/federal/municipal salaries and bring them back in line with the state's median income.

Greg C. So you don't think Carter will last 3 years to earn the average of $120k plus more because of the increases each year and performance bonuses, plus you name it?

I'm sure the $140k is much more than her PERS pension calculations. Nice try for the coverup, though.

If Carter lasts only a few months, or less than three years, the impact on her PERS account is negligible. If she makes it a full 3 years, the effect MAY be significant because her final average salary might be significantly higher than her account balance annuitized. As for annual increases, administrators in State jobs never receive any more than the unions negotiate for rank and file members. In this economic climate, the increases for the next three years are likely to be minimal. I'd be surprised if her salary after three years is more than $130K for the purposes of PERS calculations.

Didn't she pull the race card when she was stopped by a receipt checker at Fred Meyer a few years ago? I was so disappointed with her attitude. Thought she would be toast at the next election. Now we have another incompetent bureaucrat with a personal agenda in a high level position in state government. This state’s high water mark happened during the Atiyeh administration. All downhill after that period. (I am not saying he was that great, just marking a time period.)

Carter's salary isn't that high; it's about what Jack's old law firm pays first year associates, fresh out of law school, who don't yet have much in the way of actual skills yet.

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