
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on August 13, 2009 11:11 PM. The previous post in this blog was Keillor on newspapers. The next post in this blog is Giving new meaning to the phrase "flip cam". Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

E-mail, Feeds, 'n' Stuff

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Another few words for the historical footnote?

John Edwards is reportedly going to admit the obvious, and then maybe get indicted.

Comments (8)

The Edwards affair story was first broken by the National Enquirer.

You were at one time a big Edwards supporter weren't you? I'm not asking that to be snarky, I'm just wondering about how all this makes you feel about this guy, going from what you thought about him a couple of years ago to where it stands with him now.

If campaign funds get into the picture he's toast. But then, I thought the same thing about mayor creepy.

I was an Edwards supporter and I want my money back!

If he wants to get away with stuff like that and stay in politics he's going to have to move to Portland!

At least he didn't pretend to be pregnant!

I don't know about Jack, but I was an Edwards supporter.

As with Sam the Scam, its not the sex that bothers me, its the implict and explicit lying and the willingness to throw money at the witnesees to shut them and make them go away.

So stupid.

At least Edwards had the grace to slink away.

Sam we need to kick out.

Sign the recall petition now!

This calls for some slick Photoshopping. You know, an 18-month old with Edwards' killer hair or something along those lines.

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