Up and crumbling
It's hard to believe that the Southwest Community Center in Gabriel Park in Portland is 10 years old already. But that's what the intertubes remind us. That, and the fact that they have to replaster the pool already.
Remember when the Buckman Pool needed work and the city closed it for a year or so because there was no money? Funny, we didn't hear any threat like that on this one.
Comments (4)
Silly eastside flatlander.
Posted by godfry | July 27, 2009 8:37 AM
It's also entertaining to think about how the city would have regarded efforts to rename NW 21st for Cesar Chavez.
Posted by Dave J. | July 27, 2009 9:14 AM
There still a number of residential roads surrounding Gabrial Park that are incredibly rough and filled with pot holes.
Posted by Brian | July 27, 2009 12:43 PM
Most of the area I live in (and lived in at the time the city built it) never wanted the SW Community Center. It was a boondoggle for some parks dept. bureaucrat. If the city didn't fix the pool, people would just go back to doing what they did before - using one of the nearby TV rec center pools. Any threats around here would likely fall on deaf ears. After the SW Community Center was shoved down this neighbhorhood's throat, the next PDX Parks levy failed soundly, with nearly everyone from this area voting it down.
Posted by LucsAdvo | July 27, 2009 11:53 PM