
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on July 26, 2009 12:57 AM. The previous post in this blog was KOIN Tower misses mortgage payment. The next post in this blog is What happens in the soccer game.... Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Sunday, July 26, 2009

Power to the people, right on

The folks behind the wonderful Firefox browser are used to handling challenges. Competing with Google is the next one.

Comments (3)

This is kinda weird. Google was pushing Firefox (rightfully so, since Firefox is prob the best browser) for a long time.

Now Google comes out with Chrome and you know the DOJ is sniffing around looking for anti-trust stuff.

Kinda funny, Chrome (later Chromeffects) was the name for new browser technology at Microsoft that never made it to market because of the "anti-competitive" indictments regarding browsers & Netscape in 1998.

And I have Google's Chrome installed here on my machine. Firefox doesnt have anything to worry about.

Maybe it's my age and previous experience, but I'm stunned by the hordes rushing to embrace All Things Google, and eagerly willing to give over control of personal information to boot.

Google is not benign, benevolent, or even innovative. They've copied the Microsoft model at every turn, which is: What You Can't Invent, Buy. And much of what Google does and provides is bought. It's a defensive, empire-building, co-opting strategy. for many of us who've been around the block, we've seen it all before.

Google, in fact, is afraid of true open source. just like Microsoft. you can't build their kind of empire with it.

Kinda funny, Chrome (later Chromeffects) was the name for new browser technology at Microsoft that never made it to market because of the "anti-competitive" indictments regarding browsers & Netscape in 1998.

MS's "Chrome" was minor, and aimed at multimedia content. it was a Flash killer, etc. not really a "browser"--more of a plugin or engine.

the common denominator is Intel, who worked (and is working) on both "chrome" efforts. Intel basically made Microsoft's Chrome.

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