
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on July 15, 2009 5:12 PM. The previous post in this blog was SoWhat tower condos: Price reduced. The next post in this blog is Warrior. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Oh, the places you'll go

Today we have gone over the edge. Yes, the iPhone. Right now, we're blogging from the Costco parking lot. High test is $2.74. Popcorn chicken is on coupon. Capitalization at the start of a sentence is automatic. Consumer joy at every turn.

Technical question: Is it illegal to Twitter while driving?

Comments (14)

I heard Dave Chappelle was going to be there

Did you just get an iPhone? Which one? As a matter of fact, I am writing this comment on my iPhone. Ain't it fun?

I have a TMobile G1 (same concept as the iPhone), and I adores it. Please, don't Tweet and drive. There are crazies out there!

Hi Test only 2.74? Where? Maybe Forest Grove?

Does yours transcribe spoken Japanese into characters like my friend's does? (He hasn't found the English version!)


Chappelle was giving out yogurt samples. Since it was near his closeout time, he was giving away full containers.

One of us... One of us...

As for gas prices, check out oregongasprices.com. Put that unlimited 3G data plan too good use.

Only if you get caught.

My Blackberry capitalizes the same way as the Iphone..... Blackberry rules in the business world by the way....

Had the Blackberry for about six months before I succumbed to the siren song of a $99 iphone. Now the Blackberry feels like a toy compared to the iphone. I know, I've become that guy...so sue me. It's a better product.

Got gas @ Freddie's today for $2.45 with my Freddie's reward card. Nice that. Text and drive is situation looking for accident

"High test is $2.74." What is that? Super unleaded? I remember my dad asking to fill the tank with "ethyl." That was at the Shell station on 24th & Fremont in the 1960's. Now a parking lot for Perry's.

Nowadays it's 92 octane.

Taking a taste of the world of Apple is a lot like being famous: if you have a stable sense of self with deep connections to friends and family and a healthy curiosity about the world, it's only going to be more fun. But the shallow and striving souls it will swallow whole.

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