
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on July 13, 2009 2:03 AM. The previous post in this blog was Welcome to Portland, minor league baseball fans! Now get out.. The next post in this blog is Street parking in downtown Portland hits $1.60 an hour. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Monday, July 13, 2009

Love and fear on the internet

Here's a mildly alarming story about people able to read your computer keystrokes just by hooking a gadget to an electrical outlet somewhere near where your computer's plugged in. But a few of the comments that readers have left on the page are funnier than the story is troubling:

Just do what I do -- don't ever type anything worth reading.


I am posting at Slashdot - kinda like preaching to the converted, isn't it?


looks like I have to come up with a random noise generator to hook up to the ground of my power outlets.


Vacuum cleaner? Microwave? Air conditioning?


Vacuum cleaner? Speak for yourself! My vacuum cleaner hose doubles as a microphone and a more melodic password obfuscator has rarely been heard!


Root is like crack. Don't smoke it. I did once and got hooked. I ran Mac OS Updates as root. ****, I even had sex with my girlfriend as root. Man, that caused some permissions problems. When I started the road to recovery (logging in as Zacks) my girlfriend was all like: "**** no! You can't get any cause you don't own me an I don't go groups. You don't have the power to read, write OR execute so get out of my FACE" So I was all HELL NO bitch. And she wuz like you do not have root (superuser) privlages so get out of my TruBlueEnvironment! So then I went chown and chmodded her ass to me. Dat be-otch be up in my hizzouse. What what. Holla!

Comments (1)

It's a testimony to the poor grounding of the average building. Multiple ground points, a short and poorly placed ground rod, made of less than optimum materials, corroded connections, etc make this a cakewalk for data collecting.

I could go on and on, like the "professional" audio installation that picked up KEX on all the mike inputs....

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