
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on July 25, 2009 8:24 AM. The previous post in this blog was A sit-down with Dean. The next post in this blog is Food for thought -- spicy food. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Saturday, July 25, 2009

Fireman Randy vs. the Widmer Brothers

In case you need to read any further before making a pick on that one, you can go here.

Comments (4)

No surprises here. Leonard won't pass up a chance to funnel $385M to an existing crony or make another new friend by giving a sweet no-bid deal with unlimited overruns to.
Also, who came up with that figure and what is it based on? Or is it another deal like the stadium remodel where a number just appears and everyone treats it as gospel?
Pitiful reporting by the O. Leaves more questions than it answers.

I have a better idea. Let's get the PDC to bankroll a massive water bottling plant adjacent to Bull Run. We can eliminate tap water all together and enjoy the confidence we now get from putting tap water in plastic bottles. This will create jobs and pander to the paranoid "health" crowd. Perhaps we could flavor the water with Cascara thereby reducing the obesity epidemic!

This is a cost estimate by the same folks who brought you the original cost estimate for the Tram. I doesn't include the cost of the debt interest either. True cost?? Something north of $800 Million.

Our leaders are determined to save us from every threat, from terrorists to cryptosporidium without regard to the costs financial and other. There is rarely any discussion about the risk or a balanced look at the issue. All risk must be totally eliminated. Randy's middle name is "Mugabe" so it's easy for me to side with reason and the Widmer Brothers. And beer isn't even my beverage.

(Jack: Will 385 million push the debt meter over $10,000 per person? I'm anxiously waiting for that.)

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