
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on July 29, 2009 4:17 PM. The previous post in this blog was Stimulus as one-night stand . The next post in this blog is Nonagenarian. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Ewwww, cont'd

A reader sends along a photo of a critter that he says he spied on the foundation of a house in Portland yesterday. According to said reader, the thing's about two inches long:

Anybody know what it is? And is it good, bad, or indifferent?

Comments (11)

Yes, it is a native banded alder borer.


I think it's one of the smarter NBA refs.

I am not denying it's a living creature, but it almost looks more like a photoshop than a photograph.

I would say the "good" category can be ruled out for anything with the word "borer" after the name of a tree.

It sounds like it fits within the "indifferent" category. It bores in dead trees, not houses.

Houses are mostly made from dead trees...

It's smaller than a breadbox.

It's a dreaded Heatwave Harbinger, much maligned and undeservedly so, as it is not venomous as its mutant transcousin form is, the Spotted-Flood Harbinger. Either variety sucks the sap of garden vegetables, often during moonlit nights, (hence the black&white camouflage coloration), and then the only evidence you find of the thermotion is shriveled wilted and dehydrated produce. They batch hatch every 9 years, breed, and deposit eggs in dormancy, fertilized. The largest on record was 6 inches long, discovered by swimmers in a cove snacking in the grove at Indian Lake. Scientific name: helatious screamyjeebees.

Sauteed in garlic butter with crawfish and kohlrabi is a cajun delicacy.

It might be a rare zebra beetle, recently escaped from the zoo in Gaza:


It's a Skeezus, my cousin Alice from Weehawken actually.

I'm not exactly sure, but I'm pretty sure I just heard Bill Paxton yell "Game over, man, game over!"

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