
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on May 11, 2009 6:48 AM. The previous post in this blog was Up in smoke. The next post in this blog is More on OnPoint Credit Union's fourth quarter. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Monday, May 11, 2009

Time is truly wastin', there's no guarantee

Years ago, when some friends and I were protesting the Reagan administration's latest nuclear shenanigans at Hanford, a public relations expert told us that if we wanted public support, we had to stop sounding like we were against everything, and start sounding like we were for something. We didn't take that advice, and after a while the issues we were most vociferous about died down (although Lord knows there will always be some hellish pollution problems up there).

It will be interesting to see how much of a positive spin the folks who want to recall Portland Mayor Sam Adams will be able to place on their efforts. Let's face it, a recall is about as against-something as it gets. But apparently they're going to give it a go, at what they're calling a "kick out party" on Thursday evening at 6 at the famous Nick's Coney Island on Hawthorne.

Gee, it hardly seems like something to have a party about. But interested folks can at least gather, check each other out, and start talking up an organization, I guess. The formal recall effort is forbidden by law from commencing until July 1, which is 50 days away.

Comments (20)

... And at the end of the "Kick Out Party," Jasun Wurster rips off his mask to reveal a wickedly smiling Sam Adams underneath.

I get the Hanford comparison. After hearing the Salem legislators trashing our Mayor on KATU the other day, it's clear that Sam's radioactive.

Actually, I would say the recall is positive - it is FOR creating room for leaders who are not pathological liars.

I wouldn't be arguing over whether you call it a "Kick Out Party", or a "Help Bring Sensibility Back Party". It isn't a Negative, it's a Positive.

"To sin by silence when they should protest makes cowards of men."
--Abraham Lincoln

" The formal recall effort is forbidden by law from commencing until July 1 * * *"

WHAAA?? A bit of a First Amendment problem there, don't you think?

Adams won more than 60% of the vote (not including mine) last year. This suggests a rather large reservoir of goodwill towards Adams, to say the least. A recall campaign that centers on the claim "he lied" seems unlikely to succeed.

He also ran unopposed, for all intents and purposes, given the lackluster campaign that Dozono ran. If nothing else, things will certainly be different this time.

I wonder how many people will show up.

A friend in Pendleton's parents grew up downwind from Hanford and both died of horrible cancers (brain and bone).

And in Hermiston and Umatilla, downwind from the Umatilla Chemical Depot, there seem to be many people in their thirties dying or debilitated by the pernicious disease.

There is a really sad and readily apparent link.

Getting rid of Sam would help restore sanity in Portland city government. This is the positive message.

I don't take this announcement as an auspicious launch. Bad idea to kick this important endeavor off at a bar, unless sarcasm is the name of the game. Is that why it's being held at a wiener bar? Sheesh. The party hosts better plan to have bona fide designated drivers. What streetcar line is that these days?

If they'd plan it right for the next big event at another venue, they could have a greater turn out than the Beavers that day. Hopefully that group's leadership has enough good alpha emitters, but it's the intensity of the group's gamma rays (incl. t.v.) that'll get 'im -- or not. They'll need to compile a lot of fuel to reach the critical ma$$ necessary to generate enough power.

I would respect the news media much more if it were less about public relations and more about truth-telling. In Portland, it seems, the need for the positive spin prevents news men and women from ascertaining the nature of Portland politics, viz. a machine with groomed puppets waiting in the wings. Once Oregon machine politics break down, I will be feeling much more hopeful about the future.

Ideally "... respect the news media much more if it were less about public relations and more about truth-telling."

Plus, ideally judge the institutional character -- 'serious' news media? or not? -- by its enemies. Liars Larson is NOT Portland's 'celebrated' media's enemy ... indeed, KGW TV8 airs his spout hole on Saturdays. And News Directors take his beckon call and advice. Like the 'Republican' fabric wraps around Rash Lamebrain. And both media leaders are all hell-fired hot promoting a recall anti-Adams, helping their personal 'hoping he fails.' Good luck with following those acts, leading the 'splinter group' (putting it mildly) they can muster to a hate-huddle on Hawthorne.

There is some confusion whether the recall is the media celebrities overruling the voters' mayor, or the mayor's voters overruling the media celebrities.

Oh, yeah, and there's the all-p.r. and no-truth parts of it, too. According to the media. ... or accorded to the media.

"Time is truly wastin'" ... on-air at a hundred bucks a minute, someone doesn't think that time is a 'waste.'

The main reasons I would like to see the Mayor resign, rather than force a recall, are because he has bruised our civic pride and brought out the ugly in many of us. Portland needs a fresh start, a new beginning, a clean slate, the return of civility, etc.

Sam's "supporters" are thining out as time goes along and he cracks under the scrutiny of the media.

Had drinks with friends this weekend who are well educated, young and informed. They had voted for Sam, but were now in favor of a recall. "you told us he was a "bad guy"", she said, "but I didn't know what you meant. He seemed to be for everything we liked. Now I think it was all a fake and he really is just a "bad guy"".

The topper for them was getting in a car wreck with his pants unzipped. That just doesn't happen to normal people.

I don't know the accuracy of the pants unzipped BS, but I am a Sam voter that has had a change in mind.

Look, he has become one freak show after another. I don't care about the 'affair' according to the NYT, but I do care about getting logical things done. Things that will improve our economy and help Portland.

Sam is distracted, no doubt about the 'affair', and it has become too much of an issue.

Yes, his trail of dishonesty and outright corruption is more and more evident. Let's also not forget how he tried to circumvent the election process by giving a staff member a leg up for his city council seat. Remember how he let that staffer know well in advance before he ran for mayor and then coached him on how to score a big wad of public financing? That was one of the first situations where I began to doubt his integrity and he's given me plenty more instances to solidify my theory that this turd needs to be flushed.

I think you may be confusing Adams with Erik Sten.

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