
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on May 7, 2009 4:35 PM. The previous post in this blog was Don't it always seem to go?. The next post in this blog is Own a piece of Lloyd Center. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Thursday, May 7, 2009

The Mentee, meandering

A reader who lunched on the steps at Pioneer Courthouse Square today noticed one noontime stroller without a care in the world:

Now I've got this song stuck in my head:

While strolling through the park one day
In the merry merry month of May
I was taken by surprise
By a pair of roguish eyes
In a moment my poor heart was stole away

Comments (17)

Did he trade in the full size dog on two compacts?

Or maybe he's opened a new business?

I wonder how many Portland tax payer dollars are being paid to keep him quiet?

Judging from his attire, he more than likely does not have a job at the moment other than keeping his trap shut.

"Hey! Get off my brick!!":

...and the dawgs don't pay no mind.....

he looks like he's signaling a right turn.

I wonder who was on top.

The shaved head is a bad look.

(ya' beat me to the line, PDX Native)
- -

It looks like that shih tzu is pissing on my brick.

Here's lyrics that can dislodge even ground in mantras:

I'm walking all around the town
I'm seeing all the people down
Walking around
Talking around

Me and my cat named Dog
We're walking high against the fog
Singing my song
Singing my song
Dog is a good old cat
Now people what d'ya think of that
'Cause that's where I'm at (That's where he's at)
That's where I'm at (That's where he's at)
That's where I'm at (That's where he's at).

Walking My Cat Named Dog LYRICS
source:Dr Hook the Medicine Show Time:2005-08-10

Just a boy toy and his dog(s).

Gotta admit, he's looking pretty buff...


Sorry, Mr. B. I know, puns are the lowest form of humor.

BTW, Tensky, I still have my brick certificate and pin! Scary, huh?

It's nice that his little sister lets him borrow her t-shirts.

At least his fly is zipped and pants buttoned.

I definitely need new glasses: the dog he is holding looks like a cat; the one he's walking like a large rodent.

He feels pretty,
Oh, so pretty,
He feels pretty and witty and bright!
And he pities
Any girl who isn't him tonight.

Can someone mince in a still photo?

"the one he's walking like a large rodent".

"Rodents of unusual size? I don't eleive they exist" (Princess Bride)

huh, that's interesting. he turned 'Lolita' that full-sized dog back into the adoption shelter, where she has already been adopted out again. He said he just "didn't have time" for her.

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