
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on May 1, 2009 2:16 AM. The previous post in this blog was Thud. The next post in this blog is Before the bust. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Friday, May 1, 2009

Singing bird with rainbows on her wings

Judy Collins turns 70 today.

Comments (8)

Judy Collins has been a phenomenal musical talent for so long and is still going strong with that astoundingly pure voice. In addition to her big venue work, I have seen her on small venue tours - she appeared at Pacific University in Forest Grove a few years back. She is a performer of incredible intimacy, and her interpretations of music by such songwriters as Brel and Cohen long pre-dated later artists covering the same work.

Jack, thanks for honoring her on her birthday - well deserved.

"Who Knows Where the Time Goes?"

Thanks for the memories.

One of my all time favorites.
so...I hope that this week's cut is Judy.
Which one?

A truly wonderful human being. Personally financed some of the biggest actions Viet Nam Vets Against the War conducted in the early 70's. Happy B-day Judy

native: Wonder if there's a youtube of CSN doing Suite: Judy Blue Eyes?

She makes me cry when she sings, but only when I feel like it. Well Bring in the clowns and I might not have a choice. Her and Joni Mitchel have always been my secret loves. Sigh........

I can't listen to "Houses" or "My Father," both of which she wrote and performed beautifully, without misting up. And that's after dozens of listenings to each of them.

Secret Gardens. Wrecks me EVERY time!

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