
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on May 7, 2009 8:49 AM. The previous post in this blog was OnPoint Credit Union fourth quarter was loss, not profit. The next post in this blog is More rush-rush on the Paulson stadiums deal. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Thursday, May 7, 2009

Mayor Creepy update

A day away from the collective nervous breakdown known as Mayor Sam Adams was refreshing. While we were off the story, the eyewitnesses to Sunday's crash -- the mayor totaled two cars, ramming his pickup truck into them -- noted that when the mayor emerged from his vehicle, in addition to smelling like he had been drinking beer, he had his fly unzipped and the button on his shorts undone.

Meanwhile, the national media have picked up on the story, and it's been all over the local talk radio. The recall PAC has been unveiled. The junket to farookin' Belgium is still on; we'll be paying his salary while he's sightseeing there.

Still no official word from John Kroger.

Did I miss anything?

Comments (29)

The only thing you missed is Adams patting himself on the back for (finally) listening to the public outrage and pulling the rose garden fiasco off the table.

As befits the childhood home of Matt Groening, we now have Diamond Joe Quimby as our mayor.

Also missed: his declaration that he will go a month without driving. Presumably because this is a teachable moment for young people.

ep, I sure you meant to say "this is a teachable moment to mentor young boys."

I completely accept Sam's explanation for what happened. It's not farfetched at all.
Make us proud in Belgium.

Is anyone going to check and see if Mayor Creepy's unidentified date to the 2:30PM Wolverine Movie in Vancouver was Jailbait like Beau.

Yes. There's a statement in Sergeant Berry's Special Report that "No witness made any statement about there being a passenger in ADAMS'S vehicle." (Page two, second paragraph from the bottom)

Is this a gratuitous statement or one meant to negate a statement made perhaps by a witness who didn't see the accident but did see a passenger leave the mayor's pickup or something the other officer observed?

mj... He hasn't listened to the public. If he'd have listened to the public, the entire stadium thing would not only be off the table, it would never have come up because he would have resigned in January.

Mayor "Portland has to become the greenest city in the world at all costs" Sam Adams, drives a GMC pickup?!

I can understand a guy named "Sam Adams" drinking, and we all know he's been caught with his pants down before. But a GMC pickup?

I absolutely think Adams should be recalled because of the Breedlove incident(s) but I think you and a lot of other people are taking this accident too far. It's turning into a homophobic witchhunt. First he's drunk and now his pants are down and his zipper is unzipped. From the accounts I read, it sounds like the cops did their job and that there were multiple law enforcement officers around - it seems unlikely that all of these government officials would risk their jobs to protect a Mayor who they may or may not even like. We are doing a diservice to the cause (getting this guy out of office) by jumping at every single thing he does.

Let's back up a second. Wolverine!!! That movie choice alone might be grounds for recall.

Is this a gratuitous statement or one meant to negate a statement made perhaps by a witness who didn't see the accident but did see a passenger leave the mayor's pickup or something the other officer observed?

It could be that because Adams' car was clearly at fault in the accident, they are trying to establish that he was definitely the person driving it. But, in the context of the zipper thing, it does come across as kind of weird.

my rule of thumb is that if someone has more than one reason or excuse for making a mistake they are not being truthful. So far Sam has said that he thought the driver ahead of him was making a left turn, despite the fact that the guy had his right blinker on and he wasn't in the left turn lane. Secondly, the sun was in his eyes and he was adjusting his visor and then he mistook the gas pedal for the brake.

I really don't want to know why his pants were undone, but I'm afraid that were going to find out. Oh, the humanity.

I think you and a lot of other people are taking this accident too far. It's turning into a homophobic witchhunt.

fear of (or contept for) homosexuality has nothing to do with my looking on with embarassment with the metaphorical wreck of Adams' actions in office. I even voted for him.

From the accounts I read, it sounds like the cops did their job and that there were multiple law enforcement officers around

That's essentially what the DA said about the James Chasse case, too.

I mean, surely Adams wouldn't lie about something he did while in public, would he?

seriously: treating Adams with dignity and respect has grown very difficult--because he's gone out of his way to do the opposite of that for the Mayoral office, for citizens, and for himself.

We are doing a diservice to the cause (getting this guy out of office) by jumping at every single thing he does.

you might be right. but the I read about each Adams trip down Narcissist Lane, the less I care.

I have what might be a reasonable explaination for why Sam had his pants undone while driving. The guy is a tub of goo and out of shape. He probably drives around with his pants unzipped and unbuttoned because while he is sitting his beer gut is making his pants tight and uncomfortable. He should probably go with elastic waste bands.

I absolutely think Adams should be recalled because of the Breedlove incident(s) but I think you and a lot of other people are taking this accident too far. It's turning into a homophobic witchhunt. First he's drunk and now his pants are down and his zipper is unzipped.

Spot on statement !!! What will this so-called witness come up with next ?? "I saw dirty magazines fall out of his truck!!" The credibility of this "witness" is lacking to say the least.

Mayor Creepy deserves to be recalled for the other issues.....


Why the need to denigrate someone who apparently saw what happened and reported it? What is your basis for calling him a "so-called witness" and impugning his credibility? Are you suggesting that he wasn't actually there? Also, I haven't seen anything to undermine the credibility of the eyewitnesses on the scene. If you have something to offer, please share.

Perhaps those Transition[tm] lenses will serve Adams better in his career transition. Of course, he really doesn't need them since he spends most of his time with his head in where the sun doesn't shine.

Why see a movie in Vancouver? I don't believe there were no cinemas in Portland showing that "movie."

Can't even support PDX businesses....

The Mayor's accident report states that the accident happened around 6:50 pm. Police were dispatched at 6:18 pm according to officers' reports. Haven't a clue about the discrepancy.

As noted at the BikePortand link, we are also paying for Adams's company: Miller, his shameless chief of staff, and Raisman, who might send us photos of his cycling vacation. No mention of whom those two are bringing with them. Discussion at the link appears to conclude that no other American city will be represented at this gathering. It remains uncertain whether anyone in this like-minded trio speaks French.

Le joli mai is a wonderful time to visit Belgium and France, especially since others -- taxpayers -- are picking up the tab and too many people have begun asking questions about last Sunday's events in a parking lot on Hayden Island.

"What will this so-called witness come up with next??"
I believe the article indicates three witnesses saw the barn door open.
"Reed, according to Harris' report, and two witnesses from Car Toys also said Adams stepped from his truck with his zipper down."
Must be a conspiracy of homophobes, eh?
Had he not had beer breath, a more sober Sam might have blamed his problem zipper for his lack of attention.

I've never hunted homophobic witches. Do I need a license?

Le joli mai is a wonderful time to visit Belgium and France, especially since others -- taxpayers -- are picking up the tab

The cycling conference is picking up "the tab" for Sam and his COS, and Raisman is paying his own way.

The cycling conference is picking up "the tab" for Sam and his COS, and Raisman is paying his own way.

not exactly. Raisman is "using vacation days" to go.

In other words, we'll be paying his salary during the trip.

I can't explain the discrepancy in time re Sam Adumbs' story and the police report, but me and the family were at Jantzen Beach about 6:30 and there didn't appear to be any accident at that point in time. I should count my lucky stars he wasn't behind us, as my boxes of Captain Crunch would have been crunched.


Two possible reasons to see a movie in Vancouver:

(1) Cinetopia
(2) Age of consent in WA is 16.

Two possible reasons to see a movie in Vancouver:

(1) Cinetopia
(2) Age of consent in WA is 16.

To be fair, on Saturday, a couple I know drove from Lake Oswego to east Vancouver precisely because of reason 1 to see (natch) Wolverine.

Fairness dispensed with, Cinetopia serves alcohol.

So would it be out of line to subpoena his credit/debit card records for that afternoon and see what he had been drinking where ?

Or was he smart enough to pay cash over the course of whatever excellent adventures he was involved in north of the river ?

Remember Mayor Springer of Cinci and the personal check he stupidly wrote to that hooker...and they re-elected him anyway.

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