
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on May 18, 2009 6:38 PM. The previous post in this blog was A modest proposal. The next post in this blog is Lents Park, according to Paulson and Fireman Randy. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Monday, May 18, 2009

Kroger report on Adams imminent, sources say

Oregon Attorney General John Kroger is said to be getting quite close to releasing the results of his criminal investigation into the conduct of Portland Mayor Sam Adams. A reliable source tells us that the report could be out as early as this week. And, the source adds, "It won't be a matter of whether Adams resigns, but when."

Given that our publicity-conscious A.G. wouldn't want his big headlines to get lost in the holiday weekend, one would think that any news this week would come by Thursday at the latest.

Comments (41)

I still vote for 5:30 pm Friday.

Sam Adams - Portland's Rod Blogojevich.

Keep Portland Corrupt!

That being the case, it's too bad they didn't release it while he was still in Belgium. It would have been fun seeing to where he'd run, if he did.

He and Vera will start a development or consulting firm. Once they build their clientele they can bring on Diane Linn and Bernie Giusto to round out the team.

But if he does resign, who will replace him?

And will it be as much fun whacking that pinata?

If Adams's resignation is just a matter of when, does anyone know which commissioner will become acting mayor if Sam resigns after June 30th? Because if he resigns on or before that date, we will get Acting Mayor Leonard until a special election determines who will replace Adams.

I personally would welcome Acting Mayor Fish or Acting Mayor Fritz, but can't muster any enthusiasm for Acting Mayor Leonard.

Well, if Randy Leonard is the temporary mayor, he would be "acting," as in "trying to pass himself off as a credible, responsible, and common sense publicly elected official." Sorry Randy, but get another acting gig, preferably outside of politics.

Maybe you should hold a Sam Adams statue design contest ?

"It won't be a matter of whether Adams resigns, but when."

I'd like to believe that, but seems to good to be true. If there's even an inch of wiggle room, he'll hang on and ride the whole thing down into the ground, Dr. Strangelove style.

we will get Acting Mayor Leonard until a special election determines who will replace Adams.

Under Portland's Mayberry RFD form of government, the mayor isn't all that much more powerful than the other commissioners. The current mayor isn't even running the Police Bureau. And as far as Creepy's appointments to the PDC are concerned, that damage is already done.

The one thing I worry about is that the power void could interrupt the all-important duct tape enforcement issues that will be upon us in a week or two.

Time to keep the pressure on Saltzman to desert the Stadium Stooges, and for citizens to tool up for a Leonard recall. Adams will probably try to hang on long enough to get his evil S&M plans (soccer & motel) adopted before resorting to the political equivalent of shooting himself in his Bunker. I look forward to a hilarious "political testament" blaming all the small minds for not recognizing his Genius, just as they did with his role model, Nero. It would be nice if Novick were interested in running to replace him - I disagree with many of his policies, but he seems to be an intelligent person of integrity, and we have not had that combination in a Mayor in a long time. He'd have my vote in a heartbeat. For now, cue the "Goetterdaemmerung" orchestra, and away we go....

Mayor Creepy will not leave office on his own accord..... He has never held a real job in his life and has always been at the public trough. If the report from the AG shows any hint of illicit behavior by Mayor Creepy, the guy in his mid-forties will be become virtually unemployable.

I'm with Snards and Fonzi on this one. If we're counting on Sam to do the right thing, we could be in for a long wait.

One of Sam's more obvious lies was about putting Portland ahead of his own difficulties. In Sam's mind, Portland only exists as a Power Point presentation of his own ego, so why should that stop when he's more in the spotlight than ever?

Of course if there's a deal, then that's different.

But let's not go with the Tuesday at noon approach just yet. signed..."Hurt Before In Portland"


its coming fast and furious for this monster Adams. Heres another prediction.

this monster Adams

That sort of hysteria is going to help keep him in office. He's not a monster. He's just a guy with a personality disorder who's clawed his way up to a job that he doesn't deserve and can't handle.


I'd feel much better if we could avoid using terms like "whacking the Pinata" when discussing our Mayor.

He might get the wrong idea.

Mr. Tee, fortunately, I had swallowed my green tea before reading your post!

Let's hope that his resignation derails the renaming of 39th Ave.

Jack, you're absolutely right, and that's why he won't leave of his own accord. I've known plenty of similar "leaders" who refused to accept that they'd proved the Peter Principle, and to an individual, they stayed until they were fired or voted out of office. Criminal investigations don't do a thing, because they're certain that it's all a conspiracy to give them a bad name. In fact, I'll bet $10 right now that if Sam gets voted out of office, he'll spend the rest of his life revising history so that he's remembered as an elder statesman who was the best thing for Portland since Bud Clark.

I know! Sam could say that Kroger was baited into making the report by that reporter at KATU.

That one went over great.

If the report from the AG shows any hint of illicit behavior by Mayor Creepy, the guy in his mid-forties will be become virtually unemployable.

You really believe that? Here? The last mayor involved in "illicit behavior" became Secretary of Transportation under Carter, then the Governor of this state.

I will be amazed if anything bad about Adams comes from the AG report. There are just too many people in the Goldschmidt cabal.

And the Mayor's narcissism will not allow him to resign. Its just not going to happen.

Under the city charter, certain convictions automatically create a vacancy in the office of mayor: conviction of a felony or conviction of an "offense which constitutes corruption, malfeasance or delinquency in office." Section 2-206(a).


If the AG's report supports criminal charges, perhaps the Multnomah County DA's office can expedite the case and make a recall election unnecessary.

"The last mayor involved in "illicit behavior" became Secretary of Transportation under Carter, then the Governor of this state."

Do you really believe Goldschmidt would have held either of those positions if the details of his crimes had been common knowledge at the time?

Jon, you need to get back on your meds. Goldschmidt's undisclosed peculations have nothing to do with Adams' bold bathroom bravura. His future as mayor hinges on whether or not he is charged with serious crimes. If he is, he's gone.

Steve Do you really believe Goldschmidt would have held either of those positions if the details of his crimes had been common knowledge at the time?

People knew. The Oregonian knew. You cant tell me it wasnt found during the vetting by the Carter administration for that Dept. of Transportation gig. And he got the jobs.

It was swept under the carpet or flatly ignored.

Allan L His future as mayor hinges on whether or not he is charged with serious crimes.

Right, and he wont be charged.
I bet one day he is governor.

I agree with the source. The rumor spreading like wildfire is that there's another person in the mix.

"The rumor spreading like wildfire is that there's another person in the mix."

Can someone expand on this, even if they don't want to or can't name names?

The janitor?

"Steve Do you really believe Goldschmidt would have held either of those positions if the details of his crimes had been common knowledge at the time?

People knew. The Oregonian knew. You cant tell me it wasnt found during the vetting by the Carter administration for that Dept. of Transportation gig. And he got the jobs.

It was swept under the carpet or flatly ignored. "

So...the Carter Administration vetted him, found out he was a pedophile, and hired him anyway? The voters of Oregon knew he repeatedly raped a 14 year old, and elected him Governor? I know that some people knew about his crimes, and The Oregonian shamed itself with its role in burying what it knew, but there's no way he holds either of those positions if his crimes had been known by the general public.

One who is still around who probably knew about Goldschmidt's crimes is Obama's Brain, David Axelrod - he had been tapped to run Press for the Prevert's (sic) gubernatorial campaign that suddenly imploded. I doubt he was fobbed off with some lame excuse for the loss of his job.
Someone with access should set him down with a bottle of scotch & find out.

does anyone know which commissioner will become acting mayor if Sam resigns after June 30th?

I believe the Council President is scheduled to rotate to Commissioner Fritz as of July 1st, but I can't find anything concrete about it.

Thanks, Worker Bee.

A statue for Sam? It brought to mind the urban legend about horses' lifted or unlifted legs signifying whether the rider was wounded, killed or passed through a battle without harm (one leg off the ground, wounded; two legs off the ground, died in battle; all four legs on the ground, survivor).

If true, a statue of a disgraced Adams would depict him sitting on the ground with both legs in the air and flaming pants around his ankles.

Peter principle indeed.

So...the Carter Administration vetted him, found out he was a pedophile, and hired him anyway? The voters of Oregon knew he repeatedly raped a 14 year old, and elected him Governor?

There were no charges or convictions. So why wouldnt they hire/vote for him? It was just hearsay of some little girl. Its wasnt like it is today, where just an accusation of something like that can ruin your career, life, marriage.

I just think that during a federal background check stuff like that would have to come out.

As for voting for him, I think O.J. or Scott Petersen could get elected here if they said they were a "Progressive Democrat".

"There were no charges or convictions. So why wouldnt they hire/vote for him? It was just hearsay of some little girl. Its wasnt like it is today, where just an accusation of something like that can ruin your career, life, marriage. "

"As for voting for him, I think O.J. or Scott Petersen could get elected here if they said they were a "Progressive Democrat"."

My mistake. I thought you were being serious. Funny stuff!

Mark Zusman of WW has left a comment on my Facebook page saying "not even close."

Mark Zusman of WW has left a comment on my Facebook page saying "not even close."

Very cryptic.....

I'm going with Occam's razor on this one.

The simplest and most likely chain of events:

(1) the report is simply a summary of what's already known, and Adams stays;

(2) the recall effort goes forward;

(3) the recall effort fails, and Adams responds in a Bush-like "I've now got political capital and I'm gonna spend it";

(4) Adams limps to the finish with cronies and monied interests in tow, while the city bows quietly bows its head in acceptance and goes forward.

Very cryptic.....

As usual. I have given up trying to figure out what motivates WW in timing the breaking of news stories. If they know where the Kroger investigation stands, why aren't they telling their readers? They endorsed Adams knowing fully well that he has a few screws loose, and then waited until he was sworn in to knock him down. Whatever.

There is not much difference policy-wise between Adams and Fritz. And if you "recall," Fritz was the first to defend Adams when the Breedlove story hit the fan. Why??
Phoney Fritz will be a disaster if she goes any further than this term on council. It took $.75 million to elevate this psych-nurse into office using the so-called Voter-Owned-Initiative (simply a license to steal public money). Such wasting of our tax dollars shows how poorly Portlanders have been prioritizing the use of their City funds.

I am also concerned that the A-G isn't motivated to dig deep enough to make the key figures in the Breedlove case squeal. Plus, there seem to be too many liars in the mix.

And finally, it seems pretty likely to me that Mayor Creepy waited till his little corn-pone was of legal age before he pounced...

"And finally, it seems pretty likely to me that Mayor Creepy waited till his little corn-pone was of legal age before he pounced..."

The dozens of phone calls, lies, etc. suggest otherwise. It seems unlikely that Adams took a break from making destructive decisions to wait till Beau was 18.

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