
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on April 24, 2009 9:25 AM. The previous post in this blog was Straight talk. The next post in this blog is A great deal for Portland taxpayers keeps getting better. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Friday, April 24, 2009

Put your clothes on or I'll Tase you

Here's a disturbing and not-safe-for-work video.

Comments (10)

Remember when tasers were being promoted as the gentler, kinder alternative to lethal force? Now they're being used daily all over America as an the cop's alternative means of lowering the voice and speaking louder.

Yeah George, I personally would have like to see the police officers take their baton's and split his wig. Would that have been more to your liking?

Yes, MP, those are definitely the only options -- oh, wait, there's always the service revolver. Because public nudity is definitely justification for killing someone (which is always an option when the tasers come out).

A lesson I learned in 1974. When the police want to handcuff you, do not resist. My kidneys are still sore.

Nothing to see here people...unless you have a magnifying glass of course.

That was funny !!! I love watching dirtballs get tased.... On a sidenote I don't think that guy will be "up" for any adult film roles.....

The guy was a real class act.
He can't go to an event and enjoy it like everyone else. No, he had to strip and create some mayhem to show the world how stupid he is.

The officers gave him a ton of chances to just cover up, but he didn't. He would not follow a lawful order to put clothes on, they tried to use the least amount of force to arrest him but he resisted and got tazed. I love all the "progressive hipster types" surrounding the altercation and acting all shocked and outraged...totally clueless. The same types that make PPB's job so hard at times.

The cops did good, everything was by the book except they were probably too patient with the wizard at first. I thought for sure the guy would be tazed after patting the one officer on his shoulder over and over...but nope, not until he resisted.

It appears that the wizard and the tasering cop are old friends. They really do deserve each other.

Come on, people. There MUST be some sort of Mayor Creepy angle on this whole incident.

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