
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on January 7, 2009 2:01 AM. The previous post in this blog was You see this sign?. The next post in this blog is As much as I dislike them.... Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Wednesday, January 7, 2009


Another Democratic senator pals around with a terrorist.

Comments (36)


Is Merkley standing on a box? Or is he that much taller than Dr. Evil?

Dick has feet in bunker.

Where is the hot dog and apple pie? I thought Jeff was fueled exclusively by both...?

nice. looks like they did it in Cheney's office.

Eww! I hope Jeff washed his hand afterwards.

Merkley's a pretty tall guy, Jack, and Cheney is not. If I had to guess, I'd say Jeff is 6'3", and Cheney is probably 5'8-5'9."

What's typical is your lack of respect for the VP. Cheney did a good job as VP. Much better than Al Gore.

"Cheney did a good job as VP. Much better than Al Gore."

MikeC, where have you been living for the last eight years? It couldn't be here in the United States.

"Cheney did a good job as VP "

The overwhelming majority of America disagrees with you.

"Cheney did a good job as VP. Much better than Al Gore."

In making the hair stand up on the back of your neck--yes, job well done!

"Cheney did a good job as VP. Much better than Al Gore."

Are you high?

(And I'm saying this as a person who, back in 2000, was somewhat comforted by the fact that the relatively inexperienced Shrub had chosen "the experienced" Cheney as his VP. Obviously, I had not done my research: I now consider Cheney -- much more than the Shrub -- to be a pal of the devil.)

"Go *%@$ yourself, Merkley."

Funny, he doesn't sound like a terrorist:


And I think he nails this point:

""For a few senior al Qaida officers we captured early on, some of whom were subject to enhanced interrogation,” Cheney said, “we produced a wealth of information for us… a basic database about al Qaida: where they trained, who their people were, where their finances came from. This program was one of the reasons we were able to understand the basic intelligence about al Qaida.”

And, he insisted, that information was absolutely essential in helping ward off any and all jihadist attacks on the American homeland for the past seven-plus years.

“At the end of eight years, we don’t get a lot of credit for what didn’t happen – although I do think we deserve [credit],” he said. “It’s a big, complex, dangerous world out there. President Obama is going to have his hands full.”"

I, for one, would rather have our government waterboard three high-ranking Al Quaeda terrorists (you know..REAL terrorists) than have allowed thousands more of Americans die on our soil. I only hope Obama is smart enough to selectively continue the practice....and just be smart enough not to let lefty shrills know about it.

Uhder Cheney's careful watch, no crocodiles have been spotted in the Willamette, either. Heckuva job, Dick.

The difference, Charlie, is that no crocodiles have previously swam in the Willamette on numerous occasions and attempted to do so on others, and no crocodiles have stated their specific intentions to do so in the near future.

for those that think Al Quaeda and a "vast network of terrorism" was ever real, you should watch The Power of Nightmares, a recent four-part feature by the BBC.

watch it, all of it, then comment.

A lot of great Americans died for the freedoms you so easily turned over to this power-happy maniac. Cheney supporters sold out America in exchange for a bedtime story from Uncle Dicky about how safe he's made you.


A lot of great Americans died because Bush's predecessors ignored the threat that terrorism posed to our Nation and did nothing about it....and a lot of non-Americans as well.

As for "Uncle Dicky" making me safe, I'm still here....and so are you. Let's hope we can both say the same eight years from now. Put it this way: You can thank Bush/Cheney for you are still around to call for their war crimes convictions for years to come.....provided Obama doesn't screw up the safeguards they put in place before him.

the freedoms you so easily turned over to this power-happy maniac.

You know, I never have got that argument. Name one, please.

I think Cheney is an evil SOB too, but I have always failed to see where I lost anything.

for those that think Al Quaeda and a "vast network of terrorism" was ever real,

Wow, are you serious?

So who are the guys in turbans who say America is evil, and admitted to 9-11?

watch it, all of it, then comment.

Oh, and where can I get it? I doubt its on BBC America.

I wonder if Cheney will get a pardon deal. You think?

Liberty takes courage. You act like we're the first generation that ever had anything to be frightened of. We used to be the Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave. Not the Land of the Scared begging government to take all the power but just make us safe. Dick Cheney played you.

Oh, and where can I get it? I doubt its on BBC America.

Netflix. Amazon. heck, information's all over the place.

So who are the guys in turbans who say America is evil, and admitted to 9-11?

it's going to require more thought and critical mindedness than a blog post. thinking for yourself in America has become a bit of a lost art, though.

I think Cheney is an evil SOB too, but I have always failed to see where I lost anything.

Mission Accomplished.

A lot of great Americans died because Bush's predecessors ignored the threat that terrorism posed to our Nation and did nothing about it....and a lot of non-Americans as well.

"When fear is the only tool of governance, when the People are deprived of Liberty in exchange for promises of safety, let the people make a new government, and cast off the old."

-Thomas Jefferson

man, seriously. think for yourself, but *think.* challenge reality and what you allow to enter your head.

"for those that think Al Quaeda and a "vast network of terrorism" was ever real, you should watch The Power of Nightmares, a recent four-part feature by the BBC. "

Are you s****ing me. If it ain't on Fox or it don't come out of the mouth of Limbaugh, it's just liberal media bias. Hell, those darn Englanders is a bunch of p***ies for leaving the war. Nothing but cowards... ;)

"If Tyranny and Oppression come to this land, it will be in the guise of fighting a foreign enemy." ---James Madison

man, seriously. think for yourself, but *think.* challenge reality and what you allow to enter your head.

Seriously, I am. I honestly dont get it. Maybe I am ignorant, I dunno. But I really dont see where anything changed for me personally regarding civil liberties.

it's going to require more thought and critical mindedness than a blog post. thinking for yourself in America has become a bit of a lost art, though.

You know, people say crap like that all the time when it comes to stuff the Bush administration did, but then its completely ignored when it comes to other topics...like when discussing say...climate change.

It's disheartening and also frightening that there are people who do not recognize how much harm Bush, Cheney & Company have done to our country: the nation's psyche, The Constitution, the economy, the morale of the people. Please educate yourselves: read some books about the history of our great nation, or take a history class.

But I really dont see where anything changed for me personally regarding civil liberties.

it doesn't happen overtly,Jon. it happens covertly, sideways, from the inside out. here's a place to start--start at 2001 and review the past eight years:

start here.

FYI: "The Power of Nightmares" can be checked out from Multnomah County Public Library. It consists of three "bonus" disks which come with three separate issues of a DVD magazine series called "Wholphin"

Anything that comes from the BBC is just anti-American BS. You know, just like NBC, ABC, CBS, CNN & NPR.

You know, people say crap like that all the time when it comes to stuff the Bush administration did, but then its completely ignored when it comes to other topics...like when discussing say...climate change.

discussing climate change is one thing.

dismissing overwhelming evidence as "nonsense" and "left-wing eco-nazis" is another. most of what I've heard here is the latter--which isn't a discussion.

Oh yeah we're the land of tyranny.

How is it that we had a complete change of leadership?

There's a lot of troubles in the country and world now but Chaney is and never was what you imagined and we never lost our rights as you also imagined.

I don't understand people who visit this site just to post angry comments and be argumentative. It does nothing to persuade.

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