
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on December 24, 2008 3:52 AM. The previous post in this blog was Ghost of Christmas Past. The next post in this blog is A great recipe for leftovers. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Wednesday, December 24, 2008

This year's model

Some Portland cyclists may be hoping to find one of these under their trees tomorrow.

Comments (12)

Ahhhh...I'm happy to see somebody else also cannot sleep.

Too busy wrapping presents and watching more snow fall.

Looks like something Wiley Coyote would buy at Acme.

If Sam Adams gets wind of that contraption, he'll order the city's maintenance crews to stop plowing the snow and then expect all of us to use one of those to get around. Thanks.

...he'll order the city's maintenance crews to stop plowing the snow...

This is assuming that thy were plowing in the first place. I see lots of evidence to the contrary around town.

Ooh Ooh Ooh. I want one! $449 for the whole package? Deal! Right now I cannot see any part of my van. Normal biking is out of the question. I was thinking of getting a sled dog team.

Unfortunately, the closest shop that carries them is in Bend.

One sure way to literally get on top of the snow/ice problem.

The COP could sell the snow plows, subsidize the purchase and charge it off to the street department.

Note: I'll bet you can carry 500 empty Latte cups on one of those.

Don't know where you all are looking, but in the parts of town I have visited the past few days, main and collector streets are plowed and, where necessary, sanded. Things are moving nicely.

in the parts of town I have visited the past few days, main and collector streets are plowed

You must not get over to the Idaho side much. There's precious plowing or sanding over here, main streets or otherwise.

Nice, but I'd settle for a snow blower.

If I did buy a snow blower, would that guarantee it wold never snow around here again?

You must not get over to the Idaho side much.

True, but I was in North Portland yesterday where conditions seemed much the same as here in NW: Albert and 15th both plowed (like Glisan and 23rd); side streets not so much.

The only road I saw plowed over here in Beaverton is the 217 freeway. All other streets are darn near impassable. Its insane. Crossing major roads was real fun, deeply rutted. Fortunately, most major roads are clear now.
My street however, is still packed snow.

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