
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on August 11, 2008 2:39 PM. The previous post in this blog was The Gorge, 1867 . The next post in this blog is Gone. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Monday, August 11, 2008

Bike rage, seen through New York eyes

It's not just in Portland.

Comments (5)

Where did they come up with 6% in Portland?
Any intersection any 4 hour time period. Count bikes, count cars. No way it is 6%.

Great article; this bit was particularly well-done: "In this dogfight, bigger’s impact is always much, much badder. But smaller is hardly better-behaved."

I think the article highlights some of the main issues: (1) more cyclists, including "new" cyclists; (2) entitlement by both motorists and cyclists; and (3) forums for complaints.

I don't think that Portland has become any more hostile than it was four years ago. But, when something happens now, there are blogs and forums to collect those stories. Years ago, when there was "car-cycle interaction", I'd chalk it up and move on. Now, I tell the story here or on another site.

One of the networks used the Portland 6% stat in a feature on nationwide cycling trends. Accuracy has never been a hallmark of main stream media.
I believe 6% includes commuters on all forms of public transportation,(bus, rail).

"I believe 6% includes commuters on all forms of public transportation,(bus, rail)."

No, PDOT is actually taking the position that 6 percent of all commutes, every day, year round, in the city of Portland, are by bike. I couldn't believe it either when I heard it several weeks ago on the radio, so I emailed Roger Geller at PDOT, who is their main bike guy. He said they are basing that number on an auditors survey of PDX households, and that 6 percent is the average city-wide. The thing is, if you look at the Bike Commute Challenge numbers for as recently as last year (BCC is the bike commute promotion held each September, when companies encourage bike commuting, and tallies are kept of the number of commutes by bike as a percentage of all commutes), if you look at the large companies in Portland, which gives you a realistic picture, the very best are around 5 percent - this for a good weather month when people are being actively encouraged on a daily basis to ride their bikes to work. So to claim 6 percent, year round, city-wide, is absurd. I've also volunteered in the recent past for the bike counts PDOT does every year - and based on that also, I have to conclude that 6 percent is a gross exaggeration. Somebody should call BS on this - the media just accepts it as fact.

Just this AM, waiting to make a right turn onto Evergreen (on my way to work), my light goes green, my foot starts to come off the clutch, and....two jersey clad bikers fly by, about a foot off my grill...and give me the finger as they blow by. Had I been just a couple hundred milliseconds quicker on the draw, they'd have been hood ornaments.

It would all be so much simpler if everyone, cars and bikes included, actually followed the law. I know, I'm dreaming....

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