
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on April 22, 2008 2:25 AM. The previous post in this blog was Here, have a bone. The next post in this blog is Why issue taxable bonds to build a courthouse?. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Don Corleone sent me

Did you know that Portland City Council candidate John Branam worked for a while at the Port of Portland? Neither did I. He doesn't talk about it much.

And did you know who pulled some strings to get him the job? Now that's worth knowing. Click here and scroll down to page 9. Too funny.

Comments (13)

Fortunately for Branam, that whole child rape ugliness didn't take any shine off Goldy's influence out at the Port of Portland.

Makes me real proud to be supporting Amanda Fritz.


Why do you have advertisements up for Branam if you think he's such a bad guy?

Branam has moved up from the number 3 slot to the top banner ad slot in the last week.

Perhaps he is paying similar "fair market value" rates for his banner ads as he does for his "campaign manager".

Bojack - the City of Portland is truly lucky to have you looking out for its best interests.

Those documents are likely only the begining of what is sure to be a trail of people who understand Mr. Branam as a self-serving, self-annointed inheritant of a thrown that does not actually exist.

I would appreciate some background on Mr. Branam's current tenure with Portland Public Schools as the "Director of Development." Also, can we get some background info from the former employees of The Port of Portland regarding what it is like to work with Mr. Branam.

My guess is that it will be similar to his campaign: full of alleged charm, promising the world, and delivering no value to the Port while enriching Mr. Branam.

I'm glad Jack is willing to shine a light on the blunders, misdeeds and questionable associations of one of his advertisers.

Note to Kari, Bunster, Oregonian, etc:

You demonstrate your integrity when you make it clear that buying ads (or doing business with you) will not immunize you from criticism.

Looks like the banner ads are back to their prior configuration with the Perry's On Fremont ad at the top. My browser must have hiccuped a few minutes ago when the order was different.

Not to take another whack at the Kari pinata, but any bets on how long it will take BlueOregon to report on the embarrassing story in WWeek about Jeff Merkley and his (ex)supporters calling him a hypocrite and a coward?

Glad to see Jack letting the chips fall where they may, instead of Kari letting them fall mostly into his coin purse.

Not to take another whack at the Kari pinata...

That's an image I could have done without.

Wow, with negative revelation after negative revelation, it may be time to jump off the "Branam Brigade." Maybe our young would-be candidate will explain this latest flap during Candidates Gone Wild.

While Branam’s blunders have been the most public (so to speak b/c I don’t think the vast majority of Portlanders care about this election), he’s not the only unqualified member of the bunch. This cast of characters is a cornucopia of wannabe politicos. My solution: the loser of the Sho versus Sam mayoral race should be given the option of taking the seat by default.

It is an interesting study in Contrast with that Corleone name. The HR person who questioned person who tried to stand up to the favoritism and circumventing of policy for the chosen ones, was RIF'd at the Port and has to go to court, yet Corleone the younger gets a six figure golden parachute at the school district.

Kari Pinata... Do you know where I can find one? More fun than a whack-a-mole, and more candy too!

Harry: If you have a newsletter, I am eager to subscribe.

Why do you have advertisements up for Branam if you think he's such a bad guy?

Those are paid political ads.

And I don't think he's a bad guy. I don't know what kind of guy he is. I do know that he doesn't belong on the Portland City Council.

My browser must have hiccuped a few minutes ago when the order was different.

At the moment, the order of the ads changes at random. I try to give a new ad the top spot for a day or so; then they go into rotation.

Will Mr. Branam act as his own attorney, as when, apparently, drafting contracts?

"260.635 Bets and wagers on election results. (1) No candidate shall make or become party to a bet of anything of pecuniary value on any event or contingency relating to a pending election. [. . .]"

March 28 memo from Branam to Auditor with service agreement attachments includes:

"Such agreement shall commence once and if candidate John Branam is certified as a Voter Owned Candidate as deemed by the City of Portland Auditor’s Office. If such event does not occur, the terms of this agreement are null and void."

Source: John Branam contract with Phil Busse and Beth Roberts (posted at Portland Mercury)

Do other candidates have agreements with a similar contingency?

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