
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on March 11, 2008 10:04 PM. The previous post in this blog was Where the patchouli once flowed. The next post in this blog is 2 OLD 2 TXT (+ PDX). Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Let's kill the whole day, shall we?

The hearing on the Dozono "clean money" poll caper will be held on Monday. But get this -- hold on to your drink, it's really too funny -- the hearing will be held... ta da!... in Tualatin.

If you wanted to flush scarce taxpayer dollars down the toilet, you couldn't have done a much better job than Portland's brilliant "voter-owed elections" system. Way to go, Opie! Maybe the next week we can all go to Ashland to argue about Charles Lewis and the potholes.

Want more, Portlanders? Vote for Adams, Middaugh, and Smith. They'll blow hundreds of millions that others would merely dream about wasting. Go for it! We can race Bernanke to see who can land us on the rocks faster.

Comments (4)

For a VOE show closer to home, try Portland City Hall Wednesday. It is a cliff hanger. Will Jim Middaugh get his $200K of taxpayer cash for a 56 day special election? Stay tuned . . .

More here: http://www.wweek.com/wwire/?p=11024

And here: http://blogtown.portlandmercury.com/2008/03/tomorrows_council_decision_on.php

Really? More time and money wasted, more distraction from the issues facing the city, more making cr*p up as we go along, and more hard feelings? What a surprise.

Bad idea, poorly executed.

Seems pretty close considering Ron Whineden holds public meetings in Dufer.

"Will Jim Middaugh get his $200K of taxpayer cash for a 56 day special election?"

Puh-leeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeze, will a streetcar get built in East Portland?

This VoE thing has basically turned into whatever Blackmer and the commissioners want it to be.

Once Middaugh steals Erik's seat, expect more of the same brainstorms as the potholes grow.

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