
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on July 30, 2007 4:03 PM. The previous post in this blog was Will Ikea pay property taxes?. The next post in this blog is Uh oh. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Monday, July 30, 2007

Mean girl out

Wanna be a Multnomah County commish? Here's your chance. No "clean money" for you, however.

Comments (4)

Oh good, now she can get a job with her husband and see if she can use some of those contacts.

Let us all hope god calls her home NOW!

She must have called her core supporters who probably told her she didn't have a snowball's chance in heck to get re-elected. Spending more time with her grandchildren my foot. Thank heavens. Now all we have to do is get Lisa out and we're home free. Poor Diane, with the Witches of Beastwick she never had a chance. Maria, Lisa, and Serena - a prime example of taking public office (which is an honor and privilege bestowed upon you by the people) and using it for evil and not for good. What a poor sad chapter for Multnomah County this has been.

So, she helps make a laughing stock out of the county with her Mean Girl behavior, guts the popular SUN Schools program for disadvantaged kids, gets hauled before the state ethics commission for questionable personal dealings involving county property, steers county funds to pet projects of her chronies at El Hispanic News, and more. This is a woman who knows she'd lose her re-election, so is playing the "spend more time with my grandchildren" card. Remember, this is the same Rojo de Steffey who ran for City Council, promptly lost a big union endorsement, and then suddenly dropped out of the race to spend more time with her family. Good riddance, I say.

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