
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on February 18, 2007 6:19 PM. The previous post in this blog was To the sound of the beat. The next post in this blog is I had to move, really had to move. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Sunday, February 18, 2007

An unlikely comeback

Scottie Pippen, the former Michael Jordan sidekick who also starred for the Portland Trail Blazers the last time they were any good, made a few small-font headlines this week. He suggested that he should return to pro basketball now, as a player and a coach, and help an ambitious team take its playoff run all the way to a championship.

Pippen, now 41 years old and living in Fort Lauderdale, was not playing hard at the end of his time in Portland. And he wasn't exactly a major positive factor on the bench or in the locker room, openly warring with then-coach Mike Dunleavy. Pippen obviously thought he would make a better coach.

Will anything come of this? I doubt it. He'll be hurt within a couple of weeks of trying to get serious. Kobe Bryant reportedly says he wants him on the Lakers. If it happened, I think Bryant would be sorry he said that.

The real reason for this silly talk is probably this. Believe it or not, old Scottie may need the money.

Comments (1)

"the plane, which according to aircraft records is a Grumman Gulfstream II, a twin-jet corporate-size plane." Nice...my cousin has one, plus a Lear, but he made all of his money as an underwriter for the Microsoft IPO way back when I was in high school in the early 80's.

I remember reading something about Scottie buying a yacht for $30 million way back in his Blazers days. Michael Jordan and LeBron James can throw money around that way thanks to their endorsement deals...but Scottie Pippen? I think he has a serious case of "I wanna be like Mikeitis" or something.

It's sad to see these guys who have been given so many gifts, and get to play a GAME for millions of dollars a year who can't hang onto it. Really, I sort of feel sorry for them because it doesn't seem like they know any better. The saddest thing of all are the old boxers who try to make a come back...those that exploit that situation should be put in jail.

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