
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on October 14, 2006 1:12 PM. The previous post in this blog was With malice aforethought. The next post in this blog is Technical note. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Saturday, October 14, 2006


A new logo for these guys:

Comments (10)

Yeah, we're trying it out. We'll see if it stays...

It's cool. Mix some other Oregon blues in as well -- sky, snow on the mountains, blues musicians, berries, birds, kids' eyes...

Wow, Kari,
Way to get behind the new look. Remember 2004 - Be decisive. The new look is exactly what you want and you're thrilled about it.

I can see the ambivalence -- it's actually a photoshop of a sewer overflow from the SoWhat district.

Nah... it's a blue wave. A giant blue wave. Just like what's gonna hit the Rs in about three weeks.

After the big blue wave hits the beach, we'll decide whether to keep it.

I'll be against the wave after I'm for the wave.

"Nah... it's a blue wave. A giant blue wave. Just like what's gonna hit the Rs in about three weeks."

Uh, the Blue wave? Isn't the tide receeding?

Oregon Voter Registration 1990:

Oregon Voter Registration 2006:

So, in the last 16 yrs, the Demos lost 8%, the Repubs lost 2.7% and the NAVs gained 11%. Go NAVs!! Go Purple!!

BlueOregon is a great example of the clergy preaching to the choir: they are all voting Democrat no matter what. Kulo could show up at a fundraiser with a 16 year old male intern in

drag, (picture that before moving on)

and they would just ask him how long he's been "working" for the Governor.

lets make oregon hawaii, everyone click your heels together three times

Mister Tee is confusing Governor Ted, a heterosexual military veteran, with Freaky Foley, a former GOP dress-wearing, thumb-sucking scumbag who used to get really drunk and climb into bed with 15-year-old male interns in the DC dorm from HELL.

And then, get this, FreakShow Foley's Republican bosses like Fatty Arbuckle-Hastert, admitted they put their JOBS in front of the SAFETY of the children.

Gosh, you funny. See you at the polls, girlfriend!

From the voter reg numbers, it looks to me like the wave should be purple.

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