
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on February 6, 2006 3:07 AM. The previous post in this blog was XL-ent. The next post in this blog is Engine noise. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Monday, February 6, 2006

You tell 'em

Fireman Randy sure had some characteristically blunt words for the aerial-tram-meisters up at OHSU last week:

If OHSU won't pay, "we'll back up a tow truck and hook it up to the pilings and pull them out," Commissioner Randy Leonard said. "You can buy a bus."
Given the animosity created by Leonard's common-sense regulation of the city's rogue towing industry, however, I wonder if he could find anybody who'd be willing to do the job. Here's hoping.

Comments (5)

Fire trucks can pull.

Commissioner Leonard typically has a "colorful" quote on most subjects. I though it very unusal to read in The Oregonian this morning, "Metro-Area Water Deal Hits Snag," not to see even one word from the Commissioner in-charge of the Portland Water Bureau. Hmmm. Maybe it was something a family newspaper can't print.

Here, I'll tell you what he would say, and I agree: "Let them drink the Willamette."

Did anyone catch Randy and Sam on Victoria Taft last Thursday? I just happened to catch a few minutes of it and was pretty quickly unhappy with some of Randy's comments. One of them being something to the effect that prior to this recent development, the NM area was basically a wasteland that no one was doing anything with. I'm hoping that someone called in to correct him with the fact that others had desired to develop the property but were cut short...

A tow truck would play hell pulling out foundation pilings. If they could, it wouldn't be any tram I'd be willing to ride.

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