
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on February 24, 2005 11:17 AM. The previous post in this blog was Baby, we were born to sue. The next post in this blog is Don't ask. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Thursday, February 24, 2005

A present from Lars

Lars Larson (the real one) sends along this photo to brighten everyone's day:

Comments (21)

Get over it lars and pay the tax you Washingtonian. The Hypocrisy this guy has runs deep

I love it! Then again, I am not a student, a professor, or work for the government in anyway.

Jack? Why you gotta post that crap? It make me crazy mad!

thanks jack. and for your angry friends...i pay more income taxes than sleepy Ted and Tommy Potter and the Critical Mass put together

Angry? Did you listen to your show today now that’s angry, if that bill passes please just stay on that side of the river. Then you can throw up a big antenna and broadcast your hate filled raciest messages from your compound or better yet move to Coeur d’ Alene ID so you can be with your brethren. That’s not fair to Coeur d’ Alene though. If you could only hear yourself you would realize how you’re perceived in the community, I don’t anyone would not categorize you as a angry right wing nut and that may not be your intension but that’s how you lay it for them.

I curse you, Lars Larson. so arrogant. I'm glad your houseboat blew up. On a less irrational note, you are an awful prick. Shot your gun at anyone lately?

Negative comments suggest the need for therapy for the humor-impaired. Truth always upsets the delusional. Listening to whiners from Loserville blame the President or Lars for the abject failure of Democrats at the voting booth is music to my ears. Keep it up, and you'll get to continue these complaints far into the future. AAAAAAAHHH, so good. Thanx guys!

Anyplace that keeps electing Diane Linn needs Lars Larson. You go ... er, stay, Lars.

And that is barely for starters.

Hmmm....maybe Lars could be consistent and get a Chris 1 license plate with a "get over it" frame for Dino Rossi for Washington State?

Naw...we can't expect consistency from a winger conservative.

Is his cell number still 503-3**-***6? I'm not sure... Better try it and find out. Oh... I am busy reading Jack's blog now. Maybe in a few hours.

[Phone number censored -- JB]

If Lars is reading this: Is this our collective motto?

“To Each According To His Political Power”

If so, does that not supplant capitalism entirely? And so too conservatism?

If I ever get a chance I want to fight the deposit guarantee provision for banks that allow 100,000 dollar baseline guarantee for each American depositor but was used to provide full guarantees for big-depositors for 100,000 that they had distributed to each of thousands of banks. (Look up deposit brokers, and pass-through insurance.)

The scam is being run again but this time it is people with the character of Charles Keating that are trying to insure the inflated value of stocks by suckering in both the young and the old. (Death to SS folks.) I can think of no “conservative” that would support such crap unless they came from the planning department of some now-defunct economic system.

Being number 1, in our one party system, should be a point of embarrassment.

needed information, jack you dissapointment me

Posting the cell phone number of Lars? Good job "tollerance" crowd!!

Tolerance here is his type of tolerance that lars shows follow the link (http://portland.indymedia.org/en/2004/10/298885.shtml), and while your at it, why don’t you call Avel Gordley and ask her what lars said about her. Let me fill you in, in lars most tolerant voice he said that she was a nut jog and belonged in the loony bin with her son who is already there. There is not enough space here to list the amount of name calling that he shoves out of pie hole. Now let me tell you that is tolerance. More links that show in great terms that lars is a compassionate conservative. http://portland.indymedia.org/en/2004/05/288689.shtml
Jimmy_Z tolerance is given when tolerance is shown, now I know that jack will say different and if I was true demo (which I would like to think I’m) I should not feel that way, but my god enough is enough. If it smell like sh-- or looks like sh--, then it is.
Go and enjoy the day great day and ride a bike

"Hmmm....maybe Lars could be consistent and get a Chris 1 license plate with a 'get over it' frame for Dino Rossi for Washington State?

"Naw...we can't expect consistency from a winger conservative."

You show me one single Democrat who has called out the corruption of Washington State's gubernatorial election and warn me first, because I will faint.

I am always amazed at how angry people get over Lars. Its just one mans opinion. And his radio is only preaching to the choir. He has little influence over how people vote.

But he can get people to respond, and that is making him a very rich man.

My hats off to you Lars. I think your beliefs are ridiculous, but you are a great entertainer. And for that you should be paid well.

needed information, jack you dissapointment me

It's sad to see my fellow lefties don't own a dictionary. Either that, or there's a word meaning "cancelling a meeting" of which I was previously unaware.

Sorry, Jack Bog, that this is way off topic, but what the hell.
Sally, for you:
"In an 80-65 vote, the Legislature certified the election, and Gregoire will be inaugurated today. Two Republicans were absent for health reasons. Sen. Tim Sheldon of Potlatch was the only Democrat to cross party lines. The defection won him praises from the Rossi rally outside but groans from fellow Democrats who have become accustomed to Sheldon's affinity for Republican causes"

"In an 80-65 vote, the Legislature certified the election, and Gregoire will be inaugurated today. Two Republicans were absent for health reasons. Sen. Tim Sheldon of Potlatch was the only Democrat to cross party lines. The defection won him praises from the Rossi rally outside but groans from fellow Democrats who have become accustomed to Sheldon's affinity for Republican causes"

Joke, right, Jud? Sure, there were lots of Democrats in Washington State who didn't vote for her and don't think she "won." (Check the stats of her votes vs. votes received by other Dems.) Outside the state, though, is from where I have heard naught but sheer, straight party-line reaction.

It's OK to stand solely on party line as long as you know what you are doing and don't think you'll ever need to call to principle.

Out-of-state reactions aren't, shall we say, persuasive. Didn't work in FL in 2000, did it? And perhaps you don't hear such "corruption" outcry, because there was not corruption.

I don't hear outcry because no one outside the state gives a farthing as long as their party won. {{shrug}}

I'd be perfectly happy if they just shut up.

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