
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on December 21, 2004 6:43 AM. The previous post in this blog was Double fantasy. The next post in this blog is Fa la la la la. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Tuesday, December 21, 2004

CLE time

As a lawyer, I'm required by law to undergo 15 hours of continuing legal education, or CLE, every year. Now, as a tax law specialist I spend way more than that amount of time just keeping up with the constant changes to the tax laws, but under the CLE requirement, most of the time that I spend treading water with the Internal Revenue Code doesn't count. I've also got to spend time listening to others talk about new developments in the law.

To insure compliance, the rules require every active member of the Oregon bar to submit a report every three years, laying out his or her CLE activities for the triennial period just concluded. And it so happens that my cycle ends this year, and so I'm putting together now my CLE list for the period Jan. 1, 2002 through Dec. 31, 2004.

As usual, I'm quite a few hours shy of the 45-hour minimum, especially in the mandatory areas of ethics, child abuse reporting, and "elimination of bias." Thus, during the final two weeks of the year, I'm engaging in the festive solstice ritual of Listening to Audiotapes of CLE Presentations Past. From here to New Year's Eve, on my sound system Johnny Mathis's "I'll be Home for Christmas" and Guy Lombardo's "Auld Lang Syne" are being pushed aside for some fascinating spoken-word material. Yesterday it was "Child Abuse Reporting -- Recognizing the Danger Signs." Today, just to spice things up, I think we'll go with "25+ Years of Female Litigators in Portland's Major Law Firms" -- a scintillating three-hour program. After that it's "Annual Ethics Update," and maybe a hearty helping of "Estate Planning: Fixing the Common Problems."

Woo hoo. Happy Festivus.

Comments (6)

I actually had a seminar I sat through called "Sexual Orientation Discrimination and the Law" where an OSU scientist talked about research on gay sheep for about 45 minutes, then a lawyer from some fancy-schmancy firm got up and tried to say something wrapping into the law for the last 15. Worst. CLE. Ever.

Met the elimination of bias credit, though...

I find that hardly a day goes by in the practice of law where the issue of "gay sheep" doesn't come up. One needs to stay current.

Wow! Nurses have to do CEUs, but there aren't any requirements about the subject matter. I can do all OB if I want, thank goodness!

Speaking of Female Litigators in Portland's Major Law Firms, I wonder how Karen Steele made it into one of those law firms. You'll recall she married Frank Gable during the Michael Francke murder trial, then divorced him six years later. I wonder what that was all about.


I feel your pain.

First I lose the election.

Then I have to play catch-up with CLE's as well.

I was reduced to listening to selections from the Northwest Bankruptcy Institute retreat. The review of developments in the case law prompted me to consider, briefly, the surrender of my law licence!

Happy Holidays.

Nick Fish

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