
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on November 14, 2004 11:31 PM. The previous post in this blog was The name game. The next post in this blog is Before the breakup. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Sunday, November 14, 2004

Moving on

My wife received a letter in the mail the other day from her obstetrician-gynecologist, Duncan R. Neilson, Jr. He was announcing that he's stepping down from practice at the end of the year to assume a leadership role in the Portland-based Legacy Health Systems hierarchy.

What a coup for Legacy, and what a loss for Dr. Neilson's patients. He is simply one of the best physicians on the planet. Without his care, guidance, and support, we would not have our two beautiful daughters. When we were ready to give up trying to have children, when things were their darkest (and believe me, they got very dark, on more than one occasion), he gave us hope. And the means to make the greatest things happen, eventually.

What do you want from a doctor? Knowledge? Wisdom? Experience? Strength? Steadiness? Attentiveness? Empathy? Frankness? Optimism? Professionalism? Warmth? Decency? Humility? Advocacy for your needs? We found no shortage of any of it in this man. (He is also a top-notch photographer, but that's a whole different post entirely.)

While we were in the hospital for the birth of our oldest, one of the veteran labor nurses referred to him (out of his earshot, of course) as "Saint Neilson." She was only half-kidding. The good doctor has earned the respect and admiration of many.

We wish Dr. Neilson the very best in his new position, but like so many of his patients and their partners, we will miss him enormously.

Comments (3)

What reason did he give for not being a doctor and becoming an admin?

They've created a new position, overseeing all services to women. I think he is genuinely interested and excited about it. And after 30 years as a practitioner, he's probably ready for a change.

That is too bad, my wife trusts her OB-GYN more than me and it is hard finding a good doctor that cares and is not burned out by the system/job.

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